
Retirement Planning & Pensions

Sitting on a sunbed looking out over water

Know your pensions...

Do you know what you have in your pensions and do you know where it is, how it's performing and if it will meet your long term needs? Do you know what will happen to your pension(s) if you die prematurely?

The first step we take is to collate all the information, provide a simple, straightforward comprehensive summary. Next step is to relate this information to your financial plan and what you are looking to achieve. 

The final and most important step is to TAKE ACTION, start planning for your retirement, then you can sit back and relax.


Know the reason why...

Our first step is to understand what you are investing for. What are you looking to achieve? What risk do you want to take? How does this fit with your financial plan? Or if you don’t have a financial plan, with this advice you will have one.

An investment portfolio will be constructed taking into account all of the above and the most appropriate investments selected using comprehensive independent research tools.

I prefer to de-risk my clients investments by ensuring that Investment professionals actively manage their hard earned money, as this ever changing global economy requires daily management rather then reviews and decisions based on historic facts.
Beach and palm trees

Personal / Family Protection

Family on holiday

Know the value of your life...

The hard reality that most of us don't face up to is that we are all going to die. Part of this journey could be that you face a critical illness. 

Even though money does not replace an individual and never will, family financial planning does help those that are left behind. 

We often under-value our worth, and therefore are often under-insured. Most people spend more money on insuring their car, home and mobile phone than themselves - what would you prefer to lose?

Business Protection & Key Persons

Know your worth to the business...

What is your value to your business? How replaceable are you? Another key question - what happens to the business in the event of your death and what happens to your shareholding?

The answers to the above questions vary: I am irreplaceable; I am the business; My business partner can continue without me.

Business owners don't consider the reality should death occur - not only to the business, the people within the business but also to the family. Know your position and the options available to you. We have business protection experts to help you. Let's talk.
Man standing at a top of mountain looking out over the water

Tax Planning & Inheritance Tax

Little island in the middle of a large lake with mountains in the background

Know your tax position...

“Death, taxes and childbirth! There's never any convenient time for any of them.” 

It's all about planning, looking at your options in advance - not when the accountant or HMRC give you or your loved ones a bill. Using allowable, permitted solutions such as a good old fashioned pension, Enterprise Investment Schemes, Trusts and Business Property Relief Investments.

The most important thing is to understand your options and how these can help you achieve your objectives whether it be to reduce your income tax, corporation tax or mitigate capital gains tax or inheritance tax.

Wills & Lasting Power of Attorney

Know who controls your estate...

Whilst I am not a solicitor (nor would I want to be), it is essential for me as a financial planner that my clients have the fundamentals in place. A Will is an essential document to ensure your wealth is distributed as you would want it to be and not via the rules of intestate.

Lasting Power of Attorney - if you didn't have mental capacity who would you want to make those important decisions regarding your health, wealth and finances? Now ask yourself the question - who wouldn't you want to have control?

These documents protect you, your loved ones and remove a great deal of stress and cost. 
Two pensioners sitting on a bench near mountains
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